Of Talons and Teeth

Of Talons and Teeth

Cod Eitem : 9781915672131
Awdur(on)/Author(s) : Niall Griffiths
Nofel hanesyddol wedi'i gosod mewn pentref glofaol yng Nghymru cyn y Chwyldro Diwydiannol. Portreadir cariad dynol yn blodeuo yng nghanol budreddi a chaethwasanaeth, wrth i'r trigolion gael eu gormesu gan anogaeth i gydymffurfio o du'r gymuned gapelyddol ac wrth i fath newydd o gyfalafiaeth wawrio.

An historical novel set Wales before the Industrial Revolution, as human love tries to flower amidst squalor and serfdom. Wales, a mining village, pre-industrial revolution. A world of serfdom and squalor, its inhabitants oppressed by both Chapel conformist impulses and the predations of a new kind of capitalism being born.